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Are you nervous system savvy?

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Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You are responsible for others in a home, school, office, practice or centre and want to create the best environment possible. 

  • You ‘get’ the things about nervous systems you’ve heard so far and wish there was an easy way to keep learning more without getting lost in scientific jargon.  

  • You know the science of safety is powerful and wish more people got it too. 

  • You don’t have time or money for big projects, coaching or courses… but still want to be connected and keep moving in the right direction yourself, gently and without overwhelm.

  • You would appreciate some inspiration in how to make things better - safer - for you and those you are responsible for at home or work. 

  • You enjoy learning from down-to-earth people and hearing real-life stories.

Are you nervous system savvy?

Subscribe to GROUNDED GrownUps®

A unique opportunity for anyone who'd love to bring the transformative science of safety into their everyday life at home or work.

Get 'nervous system savvy' through stories from around the world. 

Weekly bite-sized, real-life nuggets of wisdom and inspiration from experts and normal people, to help you get it, apply it, remember it and share it...

And know you are not alone as you stay connected to others on the same mission around the world.  

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I have to admit that I was somewhat anxious about joining the GGUPs Collective, worrying it was going to be too much on top of my already busy life. However I am loving it!  I have found the weekly pattern, of regular bite-size golden nuggets of wisdom and challenge, has really helped me to become more tuned into my Nervous System. This is what my brain needs!”

GROUNDED GrownUps® is for anyone who wants to make a difference

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 Whether you are a Learner or an Advocate you are welcome and will find insight, inspiration, encouragement and stories you can relate to.

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I'm a Learner

Things about nervous systems, neuroception and the power and science of safety are still new to me. I 'get' it and I'm keen to keep understanding more.

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I'm an Advocate

I already know, value and live out nervous system science and I'm keen to increase my toolkit of stories and get ideas for how to apply it further in my world.

GROUNDED GrownUps® will help you...

Deepen your understanding of how our nervous systems and neuroception work in everyday life.

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Explore ways to connect with & respond to your own nervous system whatever state it is in.

Feel more confident and empowered in your desire to become a more GROUNDED GrownUp in your world.

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Consider ways to apply the science to create better experiences for your community / customers / clients

Be part of the growing international movement of people taking the science of safety seriously in their life and world.

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Listen, watch, learn, share & celebrate through the powerful and international, language of story.

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"After decades of working with people of all ages, as a teacher, trauma therapist, school advisor, author and speaker, I am convinced that what our world needs now is more 'nervous system savvy' people in our homes, schools, offices and everywhere else we do life. It is a fact that people think better, choose better, heal better, live, work and contribute better when their nervous system is safe. It is often easier said than done.

While we wait for our leaders to create safer places and systems so more people can flourish; we can start now, where we are, in our own 'world'. We can choose to be real-life GROUNDED GrownUps®. I am excited to share my experience and insight and gather other experts to share stories that teach and inspire us all to do our part in being and bringing the change. What our world needs now is... love : normal people being and spreading nervous system safety." 

Claire Wilson

Author, TEDx Speaker,
Founder, GROUNDED GrownUps®

Just £9 for access to 

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I am ready to pay just £9 a month for my subscription and get weekly bite-sized content I can enjoy in my own time.
Click Here - Join Now
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GROUNDED GrownUps®  subscription includes...

  • New (bite size) content to watch or listen to each week that includes:-

  • Insight from chats with nervous system experts around the world

  • Tips to work with your own nervous system safely

  • Stories of how to create greater nervous system safety for others in your world. 
  • Being part of a supportive collective - a place to be recognised and be celebrated - if you'd like that

  • 'Get-able' Stories that are easy to understand, relate to and remember
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"I think GROUNDED GrownUps® is such a great project.
I am totally honoured to have been the very first guest to chat with Claire."

Dr Marilyn Sanders 
Pediatrician & Neonatologist caring for critically ill babies, infants, and their families at the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, USA, an author, speaker and a Professor of Pediatrics at the UCONN School of Medicine.

It's time to get 'nervous system savvy'


"If you want to improve the world, start by making people feel safer."

Stephen Porges, PhD.

Join us in living the science of safety


"If you want to improve the world, start by making people feel safer."

Stephen Porges, PhD.